
Monday 11 October 2010

In-flight Inspiration

Sometimes flying gives me other kind of inspiration (as you might see from my 3rd post).
But yesterday during my flight I couldn't help it, I had to climb up to get my hand luggage, find my agenda and then a pen. I had to write! This is what came out. Please be aware I was sleepy and tired after a crazy beautiful weekend. There are a lot of question marks and maybe doesn’t sound very happy (I was not happy to leave my new friends so soon), But here it goes. Dedicated to the great people I met in Budapest!

Today is Sunday the 10th of October.
I am flying back to Dublin from Budapest, where I spent a real great weekend.
I did Couch Surfing for the first time and I met some amazing People.
Now I am sitting here. Thinking about my future. Thinking that the air conditioning makes my eyes really dry. And thinking that my right ear is in too much pain.
Is astonishing how quickly can be the step from a great moment of your day to the worse.
How close can this two opposite be? I think about my life and what should I do with it.
If I had to answer to this question with two words my answer would be: ENJOY IT.
Why is it so difficult to enjoy fully this present called life? We all know is not eternal.
Not knowing the expiry date of it makes people live like there weren’t any expiry dates in our lives.
Like people forgetting the milk in the fridge not knowing until what date can be drank.
If I knew I had just “X” time to go, how would I really spend it? How would I organize my time? Just sitting in the fridge?
The truth is even if I would organize something, all the organization can always go wrong. Everything can change.
I used to think that everything happens for a reason (until up to 2 minutes ago) but even though I love this idea I realize how little sense it makes.
We are FREE to make decisions.
Even if anybody would be able to tell me RIGHT NOW the date of my expiry, there are so many apparently tiny daily decisions that could make this date change.
Everything is in my hands, in my choices.
We are the writers if our destiny.

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